Credit & Copyright: Jerry Lodriguss
(Catching the Light)
Moon watchers blessed with clear skies
over the Americas, Europe, Africa
and western Asia
enjoyed a total
lunar eclipse this week.
Catching eclipsed moonlight,
astroimager Jerry Lodriguss
this view of the
inspiring celestial event with the
shadowed Moon accompanied by
wandering planet Saturn at the left,
and bright Regulus, alpha
star of the constellation
The engaging composite picture was made by combining a filtered,
telephoto image of the Moon and surrounding starfield with a
telescopic exposure.
The combination dramatizes the reddened
moonlight while
clearly showing the variation of brightness
and color in Earth's not-so-dark shadow across the
lunar surface.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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total lunar eclipse - lunnoe zatmenie
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