Biblioteki sinteticheskih spektrov:
Munary U i dr.: We present a complete library of synthetic spectra based on Kurucz's codes that covers the 2500-10500 Ang wavelength range at resolving powers 20,000, 11,500 (GAIA), 8500 (RAVE), 2000 (SLOAN) and uniform dispersions of 1 and 10 A/pix. The library maps the whole HR diagram, exploring 51,288 combinations of atmospheric parameters spanning the ranges: 3500 <= Teff <= 47500 K, 0.0 <= log g <= 5.0, -2.5 <= [M/H] <= 0.5, [alpha/Fe] = 0.0,+0.4, xi =1,2,4 km/sec, 0 <= Vrot <= 500 km/sec. The spectra are available both as absolute fluxes as well as continuum normalized. arXiv:astro-ph/0502047v2
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Galaktika - zvezdnaya astronomiya
Publikacii so slovami: Galaktika - zvezdnaya astronomiya | |
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