1.10.2008 8:56 | Astronet
6 noyabrya v Garvarde otkroetsya konferenciya "Thanks to Henrietta Leavitt". Otkrytie etoi zavisimosti dlya cefeid Genriettoi Levitt sygralo bol'shuyu rol' v opredelenii shkaly rasstoyanii vo Vselennoi.
Iz zametki Pikkeringa 3 marta 1912 goda (cirkulyar 173)
The following statement regarding the periods of 25 variable stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud has been prepared by Miss Leavitt. ....... A remarkable relation between the brightness of these variables and the length of their periods will be noticed.Nizhe privedeny svodnaya tablica nablyudenii 25 peremennyh zvezd v Malom Magellanovom Oblake i grafik zavisimosti period-svetimost'.

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personalii - istoriya astronomii - Peremennye zvezdy
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