Credit & Copyright: Luca Vanzella
What's hovering between those buildings?
The Moon.
The above image was taken two weeks ago as the
full Snow Moon started to rise above
The odd coincidence between the
angular size of the
far distant Moon
and the angular width of nearby buildings created a striking juxtaposition.
Backing away from the buildings so to reduce their angular size was a key to planning
the image.
The temperature was so low, -25
that plumes of steam rose from neighboring oil refineries.
The above image was taken during a momentary break in the plumes.
The rising Moon appears
red here for the same reason that a setting
Sun appears red -- because blue light is preferentially
away by intervening air.
In this case, the
shimmering steam plumes
likely also caused the Moon to appear
slightly compressed.
The next full moon, the
full Worm Moon, will occur in mid-March.
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full moon - moonrise - polnolunie - Luna - voshod
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