Razmernosti i podobie astrofizicheskih velichin << Prilozhenie II. Nekotorye fizicheskie i astronomicheskie postoyannye | Oglavlenie |
Glava I
1. D.A. Frank-Kameneckii, Fizicheskie processy tri zvezd, Fizmatgiz, 1959.
2. L.I. Sedov, Metody podobiya i razmernosti v mehanike, izd. 6, "Nauka", 1967.
3. G. Birkgof, Gidrodinamika, M., IL, 1954.
4. S.Dzh. Klain, Podobie i priblizhennye metody, "Mir", 1968.
5. N.L. Langhaar, Dimensional Analysis and Theory Models, Willey and Son, 1951.
6. P.V. Bridzhmen, Analiz razmernosti, ONTI - GTTI 1934.
7. R. Kurt, Analiz razmernostei v astrofizike, "Mir", 1975.
8. U. Bostik, Gidromagnitnoe modelirovanie kosmicheskih yavlenii v laboratorii, V sb. "Kosmicheskaya gazodinamika" IL, 1960.
9. R.3. Sagdeev, I. M. Podgornyi, Fizika mezhplanetnoi plazmy i laboratornye eksperimenty, UFN 98, № 3 (1969).
10. S.I. Gopasyuk, M. B. Ogir', A. B. Severnyi, E. F. Shaposhnikova, Struktura magnitnyh polei i ee izmeneniya, Izd. KrAO 29, 15 (1953).
11. E.A. Kaimakov, Modelirovanie kometnyh yavlenii, V sb "Problemy sovremennoi fiziki", str. 277, "Nauka" 1974.
12. Dzh. S. Cakadze, S. Dzh. Cakadze, Sverhtekuchest' v pul'sarah, UFN 115, 503 (1975).
13. V. Weisskopf, Of atoms, mountains and stars. A study in qualitative physics, Science. 187, 605 (1975).
14. A. L. Zel'manov, Kosmologiya, V sb. "Razvitie astronomii v SSSR", "Nauka", 1967.
15. M. Plank, Teoriya teplovogo izlucheniya, ONTI, 4935.
16. Ya. A. Smorodinskii, Chasticy, volny, kvanty, "Znanie", seriya "Fizika", № 9, 1973.
Glava II
1. L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshic, Teoriya polya, "Nauka" 1973.
2. Ya. B. Zel'dovich, I. D. Novikov, Teoriya tyagoteniya i evolyuciya zvezd, "Nauka", 1971.
3. V. V. Sobolev, Kurs teoreticheskoi astrofiziki, "Nauka".
4. E. R. Mustel', Zvezdnye atmosfery, Fizmatgiz, 1960.
5. N. R. Sibgatullin, Vzaimodeistvie korotkih gravitacionnyh i elektromagnitnyh voln v proizvol'nyh vneshnih elektromagnitnyh polyah, ZhETF 66, 1187 (1974).
6. V. F. Weisskorf, Of atoms, mountains, and stars. A study in qualitative physics, Science 187, 605 (1975).
Glava III
1. S. A. Kaplan, Fizika zvezd, "Nauka", 1970.
2. Ya. B. Zel'dovich, I. D. Novikov, Teoriya tyagoteniya i evolyuciya zvezd, "Nauka", 1971.
3. S. Chandrasekar, Vvedenie v uchenie o stroenii zvezd, IL, 1950.
Glava IV
1. M. Shvarcshil'd, Stroenie i evolyuciya zvezd, IL, 1961.
2. J. N. Vahsall, R. L. Sears, Solar Neutrinos Ann. Rev. Astron., Astroph., 10, 25 (1972).
3. V. S. Imshennik, Zvezdnye i solnechnye neitrino, Nauchnye informacii, 26, 3 (1973).
4. D. A. Frank-Kameneckii, Fizicheskie processy vnutri zvezd, Fizmatgiz, 1959.
5. S. Chandrasekar, Vvedenie v uchenie o stroenii zvezd, IL, 1950.
6. V. V. Sobolev, Kurs teoreticheskoi astrofiziki, "Nauka", 1967.
7. D. Ya. Martynov, Kurs obshei astrofiziki, izd. 2, "Nauka", 1971.
8. S. A. Kaplan, Fizika zvezd, "Nauka", 1970.
9. Sb. Vnutrennee stroenie zvezd, "Mir", 1970.
10. Sb. Stellar Evolution, Plenum Press, 1966.
11. Sb. Methods in Computational Physics, vol. 7, 1967.
12. E. Schatzman, White Dwarfes, North-Holland Puhl. Comp., 1958.
13. G. S. Saakyan, Ravnovesnye konfiguracii vyrozhdennyh gazovyh mass, "Nauka", 1972.
14. V. Sanuto, Equation of state of ultrahigh densities, Ann. Rev. Astron., Astroph. 12, 167 (1974).
15. S. A. Kaplan, "Sverhplotnye" zvezdy, Uchenye zapiski L'vovskogo un-ta, 15, 109 (1949).
16. L. I. Sedov, O teoreticheskih formulah dlya zvezdiyh zakonomernostei "svetimost' - massa" i "radius - massa", DAN SSSR 94, 643 (1954).
17. L. I. Sedov, Metody podobiya i razmernosti v mehanike, izd. 6, "Nauka", 1967.
18. V. S. Imshennik, D. K. Nadezhin, K teorii podobiya zvezdnyh modelei, AZh 45, 81 (1968).
19. S. Hayashi, Evolution of protostars, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astroph. 4, 171 (1966).
20. I. Iben, Stellar evolution within and off the main sequence, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astroph. 5, 571 (1967).
21. G. Ruben, Metody vychisleniya stacionarnyh sfericheski-simmetrichnyh modelei zvezd i ih evolyucii, Nauchnye informacii 14, 3 (1969).
22. A. G. Masevich i dr. Nekotorye osobennosti evolyucii zvezd bol'shoi massy, Nauchnye informacii 19, 45 (1971).
23. V. I. Varshavskii, A. V. Tutukov, Evolyuciya zvezd s massami 16, 32 i 64 M☉ , Nauchnye informacii 23, 47 (1972); 26, 33 (1973).
24. Yu. L. Francman, V. I. Varshavskii, Evolyuciya zvezd 8 i 16 M☉ s razlichnym nachal'nym himicheskim sostavom, Nauchnye informacii 8, 3 (1968).
25. V. Paczynski, Evolutionary processes in close binarv systems, Ann. Rev. Astron., Astroph. 9, 183 (1971).
26. A. V. Tutukov, L. D. Yungel'son, A. Ya. Kleiman, Evolyuciya pervichnyh komponent tesnyh dvoinyh zvezd bol'shoi massy, Nauchnye informacii 27, 3 (1973).
Glava V
1. Sb. Pul'siruyushie zvezdy, "Nauka", 1970.
2. S. Rosseland, Teoriya pul'sacii peremennyh zvezd IL 1952.
3. S. A. Zhevakin, Physical basis of the pulsation theory of variable stars, Ann. Rev. Astron., Astroph. 1, 367 (1963).
4. Sb. Stellar Evolution, Plenum Press, 1966.
5. Sb. Methods in Computational Physics, vol. 7, 1967.
6. V. I. Aleshin, Avtokolebaniya peremennyh zvezd, AZh 41 201 (1964).
7. R. F. Christu, Pulsation theory, Ann. Rev. Astron., Astroph 4, 353 (1966).
8. R. F. Shristy, The calculation stellar pulsation, Rev. Mod Phys 36, 555 (1964).
9. I. Iben, Post main sequence evolution of single stars, Ann. Rev. Astron., Astroph. 12, 215 (1974).
10. M. Shvarcshil'd, Stroenie i evolyuciya zvezd, IL, 1961.
11. Sb. Vnutrennee stroenie zvezd, IL, 1970.
12. F. Daison, D. Ter-Haar, Neitronnye zvezdy i pul'sary, IL, 1974.
13. L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshic, Teoriya polya, "Nauka", 1973.
14. S. A. Kaplan, Mezhzvezdnaya gazodinamika, Fizmatgiz, 1958.
15. S. B. Pikel'ner, G. A. Shain, Issledovanie turbulentnosti v tumannosti Oriona po fluktuaciyam yarkosti, Izv. KrAO 10, 9 (1954).
16. V. E. Zaharov, R. 3. Sagdeev, O spektre akusticheskoi turbulentnosti, DAN SSSR 192, 297 (1970).
17. S. I. Vainshtein, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, O proishozhdenii magnitnyh polei v astrofizike, UFN 106, 431 (1972).
18. S. A. K a p l a n. Spektr magnptogidrodpiamicheskoi turbulentnoi konvekcii, AZh 40, 1047 (1963).
19. B. B. Kadomcev, Kollektivnye yavleniya v plazme, "Nauka", 1975.
20. S. Chandrasekhar, Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic stability, Oxford Press, 1961.
21. E. A. Spiegel, Convection in stars, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astroph. 9, 323 (1971); 10, 261 (1972).
22. W. Unno, S. Kato, M. Makita, Convective instability in Polilropic Atmospheres. Publ. Astr. Soc. Japan 12 192, 427 (1960).
23. P. Ledoux, M. Sshwarzshild, E. A. Spiegel, On the spectrum of turbulent convection, Ap. J. 133, 184 (1961).
24. Yu. D. Zhugzhda, Svoistva nizkochastotnoi kolebatel'noi konvekcii v sil'nom magnitnom pole, AZh 47, 340 (1970).
25. S. A. Kaplan., S. B. Pikel'ner, V. N. Cytovich, Plasma Physics of the Solar Atmosphere, Physics Report, part C, 15 S № 1 (1974).
26. S. A. Kaplan, H. S. Petruhin, K teorii konvekcii v politropnoi atmosfere s odnorodnym magnitnym polem, AZh 42, 74 (1965).
27. G. S. Golicyn, Vvedenie v dinamiku planetnyh atmosfer, Gidrometeoizdat, 1973.
28. G. S. Golicyn, Primenenie soobrazhenii podobiya k issledovaniyu cirkulyacii na Solnce, AZh 49, 360 (1972).
Glava VI
1. Sb. Problemy kosmicheskoi gazodinamiki, IL, 1953.
2. Sb. Kosmicheskaya gazodinamika, IL, 1960.
3. Sb. Kosmicheskaya gazodinamika, "Mir", 1972.
4. F. A. Baum, S. A. Kaplan, K.P. Stanyukovich, Vvedenie v kosmicheskuyu gazodinamiku, Fizmatgiz, 1958.
5. S. A. Kaplan, Mezhzvezdnaya gazodinamika, Fizmatgiz, 1958.
6. I. A. Klimishin, Udarni hvili v neodnoridnih seredovishah, Izd. L'vovskogo un-ta, 1972.
7. L. I. Sedov, Metody podobiya i razmernosti v mehanike, izd. 6, "Nauka", 1967.
8. K. P. Stanyukovich, Neustanovivshiesya dvizheniya sploshnoi sredy, izd. 2, "Nauka", 1973.
9. I. S. Shklovskii, Sverhnovye zvezdy, "Nauka", 1966.
10. V. P. Korobeinikov, I. S Mel'nikova, E. V. Ryazanov. Teoriya tochechnogo vzryva, Fizmatgiz, 1961.
11. T. A. Lozinskaya. Opticheskie tumannosti - ostatki vspyshek sverhnovyh, AZh 52, 39 (1975).
12. R. E. Gershberg, O fotometricheskih i kolorimetricheskih harakteristikah eruptivnyh zvezd. Izv. KrAO 32, 133 (1964).
13. V. F. D'yachenko, V. S. Imshennik, V. V. Paleichik, K voprosu o dvizhenii mezhzvezdnoi sredy pod deistviem obolochki novoi ili sverhnovoi, AZh 46, 439 (1969).
14. G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, D. K. Nadezhin, Avtomodel'noe reshenie dlya nestacionarnoi gidrodinamicheskoi akkrecii, AZh 49, 483 (1972).
15. S. A. Kaplan, S. B. Pikel'ner, Mezhzvezdnaya sreda, Fizmatgiz, 1963.
16. I. A. Klimnshin, Ionizacionnye fronty v mezhzvezdnom prostranstve. V sb. "Problemy kosmicheskoi fiziki" 9, 1974.
17. F. D. Kahn, The acceleration of interstellar clouds, BAN 12 , 187 (1954).
IS. D. A. Mendis, Dissociation - ionization fronts in interstellar gas clouds. MNRAS 141, 409 (1968); 142, 241 (1969).
19. W. C. Mathews, C. R. O'De11, Evolution of diffuse nebulae Ann. Rev. Astron., Astroph. 7, 67 (1969).
20. W. E. Axford, Ionization fronts in interstellar gas: the structure of ionization fronts, Phill. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 253, 301 (1961).
21. F.- A. Goldworthy, Ionisation fronts in interstellar gas and expansion of H II regions, Phill. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 253 278 (1961).
22. R. C. Newman, W. E. Axford, The expansion of H II regions, Ap. J. 153, 595 (1968).
23. W. Mathews, The time evolution of H II region, Ap. J. 142, 1120 (1965).
24. V. M. Lasker, An investigation of dynamics of old H 11 regions, Ap. J. 143, 700 (1966); Ionization fronts for H II regions with magnetic fields, Ap. J. 146, 471 (1966).
25. A. A. Barmin, A. G. Kulikovskii, Fronty ionizacii i rekombinacii v elektromagnitnom pole. V sb. "Gidromehanika", seriya "Itogi nauki", t. 5, VINITI, 1971.
26. A. G. Kulikovskii, G. A. Lyubimov, O magnitogidrodinamicheskih volnah, ioniziruyushih gaz, DAN SSSR 129, 5, (1960).
27. S. A. Kaplan, I. A. Klimishin, Udarnye volny v obolochkah zvezd, AZh 36, 410 (1959).
28. V. S. Imshennik, Nestacionarnye processy v zvezdah, Nauchnye informacii 19, 41 (1971).
29. P. A. Carrus, P. A. Fox, F. Haas, Z. Koral, Propagation of shock waves in generalised Roche model, Ap. J. 113, 193, 496 (1951).
30. M. N. Rogers, Analytic solutions for the elast-wave problem with atmosphere of varying density, Ap. J. 125, 478 (1957).
31. G. M. Gendel'man, D. A. Fpank-Kameneckii, Vyhod udarnoi volny na poverhnost' zvezdy, DAN SSSR 107, 811 (1956).
32. A. Sakurai, Propagation of spherical shock wave in stars, J. Fluid Mech. 1, 436 (1956).
33. D. K. Nadezhin, Avtomodel'noe reshenie dlya kollapsa pod deistviem poter' energii neitrinnym izlucheniem, AZh 45, 1166 (1968).
34. I. G. Kolesnik, D. K. Nadezhin, Avtomodel'nyi rezhim gravitacionnogo szhatiya protozvezd iz molekulyarnogo vodoroda, AZh 51, 382 (1974).
35. Ya. B. Zel'dovich, Yu. P. Raizer, Fizika udarnyh voln i vysokotemperaturnyh yavlenii, Fizmatgiz, 1966.
36. S. A. Kaplan, K teorii rasprostraneniya sil'nyh udarnyh voln v neodnorodnoi kosmicheskoi srede, AZh 44, 384 (1967).
37. V. A. Skripkin, Ob odnom klasse avtomodel'nyh dvizhenii ul'trarelyativistskogo gaza, DAN SSSR 136, 791 (1961).
38. N. R. Sibgatullin, Nelineinye relyativistskie volny v sverhszhatom gaze, DAN SSSR 187, 531 (1969).
39. U. Fauler, F. Xoil, Neitrinnye processy i obrazovanie par v massivnyh zvezdah i sverhnovyh, "Mir", 1967.
10. S. A. Colgate, R. N. White, The hydrodynamic behaviour of supernova explosions, Ap. J. 143, 626 (1966).
41. W. D. Arnett, Gravitational collapse and weak interactions, Can. J. Phys. 44, 2353 (1966); Mass dependence in gravitational collapse of stellar cores, Can. J. Phys. 45, 1621 (1967).
42. L. I. Ivanova, V. S. Imshennik, D. K. Nadezhin, Issledovanie dinamiki vzryva sverhnovoi, Nauchnye informacii 13, 3 (1969).
43. G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Predel massy goryachih sverhplotnyh ustoichivyh konfiguracii, Astrofizika 4, 221 (1968).
44. E. K. Grasberg, D. K. Nadezhin, O krivyh bleska sverhnovyh zvezd, AZh 46, 745 (1969).
45. E. K. Grasberg, V. S. Imshennik, D. K. Nadezhin, K teorii krivyh bleska sverhnovyh zvezd, Astroph. Sp. Sci 10. 3 (1971).
46. I. M. Yavorskaya, Reshenie nekotoryh zadach o detonacii v srede s peremennoi plotnost'yu. DAN SSSR 111, 783, 1956.
Glava VII
1. V. Takase, N. Kinoshita, Relations among several dynamical quantities of galaxies, Publ. Astr. Soc. Japan 19, 409 (1967).
2. D. Gesari, M. Mongillo, F. H. Shu, The correlation between mass and angular momentum of galaxies, Bull. Amer. Astron, Soc. 3, 238 (1971).
3. S. Chandrasekar, Principy zvezdnoi dinamiki, IL, 1948.
4. G. Rybicki, Relaxation times in strictly dysk systems, Astroph. Sp. Sci. 14, 15 (1971).
5. P. Kurt, Analiz razmernostei v astrofizike, "Mir", 1975.
6. V. A. Ambarcumyan, K voprosu o dinamike otkrytyh skoplenii, Uchenye zapiski LGU № 22, vyp. 4, 19 (1938).
7. L. Sritzer, R. Harm, Evaporation of stars from isolated clusters, Ap. J. 127, 544 (1958).
8. M. Henon, L'evasion des etoiles hovs des amasisoles, Ann. Astroph. 23, 668 (1960); Sur l'evolution des amas globulaives, Ann. Astroph. 24, 369 (1961).
9. S. von Horner, Die Auflosungszeit offener Sternhaufen, Zs. Astroph. 44, 17 (1958).
10. L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshic, Mehanika sploshnyh sred, Gostehnzdat, 1954.
11. A. Toomre. On the gravitational stability of a disk of stars, Ap. J. 139, 1217 (1964).
12. S. C. Lin, F. Shu, On the spiral structure of disk galaxies, Ap. J. 140, 646 (1964).
13. S. S. Lin, S. Yuan, F. Shu, On the spiral structure of disk galaxies. III Comparison with observations, Ap. J 155 721 (1969).
14. L. S. Marochnik, A. A. Suchkov, Problema spiral'noi struktury galaktik, UFN 112, 275 (1974).
15. S. A. Kaplan, S. V. Rikelner, Large scale dynamics of the interstellar medium, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astroph. 12, 113 (1974).
16. A. Toomre, Group velocity of spiral waves in galactis disks Ap. J. 158, 899 (1969).
17. S. von Horner, Die numerische Integration des n-Korper - Problems für Sternhaufen, Zs. Astroph. 50, 184 (1960); 57 47 (1963).
18. S. von Horner, High central densities in stellar system, Bull. Astron. 3, 147 (1968).
19. M. Lesar, Comparison of eleven numerical integrations of the same gravitational 25-body problem, Bull. Astron. 3, 91 I 968).
20. V. I. Aleshin, S. A. Kaplan, Evolyuciya protozvezdnogo skopleniya v ramkah standartnoi problemy 25 tel, AZh 47, 10 (1970).
21. S. J. Aarseth, Dynamical evolution of simulated N-body Systems, Bull. Astron. 3, 105 (1968).
22. R. Wielen. On the escape rate of stars from clusters, Bull. Astron. 3, 127 (1968).
23. P. Kustaanheimo, E. Steifel, Perturbation theory of Kepler motion based on spinor regularization, J. reine and angew. Math. 218, 204 (1965).
24. S. J. Aarseth, Numerical experiment of the iV-body Problem, Astroph. Sp. Sci. 14, 20 (1971).
25. V. Szebely, Regularization in stellar dynamics, Bull. Astron. 3, 33 (1968).
26. C. Peteris, Numerical regularization, Bull. Astron. 3, 167 (1968).
27. T. A. Agekyan, A. S. Bapanov, Postroenie modelei zvezdnyh sistem pri pomoshi chislennogo eksperimenta, Astrofizika 5, 305 (1969).
28. A. S. Baranov, Chislenno-eksperimental'noe issledovanie kvazistacionarnoi sfericheskoi sistemy so zvezdami raznyh mass, Astrofizika 6, 261 (1970).
29. V. I. Aleshin, S. A. Kaplan, Chislennyi eksperiment v probleme akkrecii, AZh 49, 489 (1972).
30. S. A. Kaplan, B. Ya. Knyazhickii, Chislennyi eksperiment v probleme akkumulyacii planet i ih sputnikov iz doplanetnyh tel, Astron. vestn. 7, 237 (1973).
31. F. Nohl. Computer solutions of gravitational N-body problem, Bull. Astron. 3, 227 (1968).
32. F. Hohl, Dynamics of plane stellar system, Astroph. Sp. Sci. 14, 91 (1971).
33. F. Hohl, R. W. Hockney, A computer model of disks of stars. J. Computational Phys. 4, 306 (1969).
34 R. W. Hockney, F. Hohl, Effects of velocity dispersion on the evolution of a disk of stars, Astron. J. 74, 1102 (1969).
35. R. N. Miller, K. N. Prendergast, Stellar dynamics in a discrete phase space, Ap. J. 151, 699 (1968).
36. R. H. Miller, K. H. Prendcrgast, W. J. Quirk, Numerical experiments on spiral structure, Ap. J. 161, 803 (1970).
37. W. Quirk, Numerical experiment in spiral structure, Ap. J. 167, 7 (1971).
38. R. H. Miller, Numerical experiments in collisionless systems, Astroph. Sp. Sci. 14, 73 (1971).
39. H. H. Kozlov, P. A. Syunyaev, T. M. Eneev, Prilivnoe vzaimodeistvie galaktik, DAM SSSR 204, 579 (1972).
40. J. P. Ostriker, P. J. T. Peebles, A numerical study of the stability of flattened galaxies: or can cold galaxies survive Ap. J. 186, 467 (1973).
41. J. Richard Cott III. Dynamics of rotating stellar systems: collapse and violent relaxation, Ap. J. 186, 481 (1973).
42. R. W. Hockney, D. R. Vgownrigg, Effect of population II stars and three-dimensional Motion on spiral structure, MNRAS 167, 351 (1974).
Glava VIII
1. V. M. Lyutyi, Opticheskaya peremennost' yader seifertovskih galaktik, AZh 49, 930 (1972).
2. Ya. B. Zel'dovich, I. D. Novikov, Relyativistskaya astrofizika, "Nauka", 1967.
3. F. J. Duson, The numerological analysis of quasar, Ap. J. 154, L37 (1968).
4. E. E. Salpeter, Accretion of interstellar matter by massive objects, Ap. J. 140, 796 (1964).
5. D. Lundell-Vell, Galactic nuclei as collapsed old quasars, Nature 223, 690 (1969).
6. J. E. Pringle, M. J. Rees, Accretion disc Models of Compact X-Ray Sources, Astron. Astrophys. 21, 1 (1972).
7. J. L. Elliot, S. L. Shapiro, On the variability of the compact nonthermal sources, Ap. J. 192, L3 (1974).
8. P. A. Syunyaev, H. I. Shakupa, Teplovaya neustoichivost' pri diskovoi akkrecii na chernuyu dyru i peremennost' rentgenovskih istochnikov, yader galaktik i kvazarov. Pis'ma v AZh 1, 6 (1975).
9. E. A. Dibai, Zamechaniya k probleme yader seifertovskih galaktik, Astron. cirk. № 660, 1 (1971).
10. J. Jeans, Astronomy and Cosmogony, Cambridge, 1902.
11. P. Ledoux, Sur la stabilité gravitationelle d'une nebulouse isothérme, Ann. d'Astrophys. 14, 438 (1951).
12. I. L. Genkin, K postanovke zadachi o gravitacionnoi neustoichivosti, Trudy Astrofiz. in-ta AN KazSSR 17, 82 (1971).
13. R. V. Wagoner, T. S. Ssharlem, Electromagnetic fields produced by relativistic rotating disc, Ap. J. 171, 107 (1972).
14. K. H. Nordsiesk. The angular momentum of spiral galaxies Ap. J. 184, 735 (1973).
15. H. P. Sibgatullin, Lineinaya magnitogidrodinamicheskaya teoriya razvitiya neodnorodnostei v osesimmetrichnyh modelyah Vselennoi s kosmologicheskim magnitnym polem LAN SSSR 193, 1267 (1970).
16. Dzh. A. Uiler, Predvidenie Einshteina, "Mir", 1970.
17. Ya. M. Kramarovskii, V. P. Chechev, Izmenyaetsya li zaryad elektrona s vozrastom Vselennoi? UFN 102, 141 (1970).
18. M. J. Rees, Cosmological significance of e²/Gm² and related "Large Numbers", Comments on Astron. and Astrophys 4 179 (1972).
19. K. P. Stanyukovich, Gravitacionnoe pole i elementarnye chasticy, "Nauka", 1965.
20. I. Shapiro et al., Gravitation Constant: Experimental Bound of its time variation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 26, 27 (1971).
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