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Novaya rossiiskaya kometa P/2011 R3 (NOVICHONOK-GERKE)! Novaya rossiiskaya kometa P/2011 R3 (NOVICHONOK-GERKE)!
11.09.2011 16:01 | Aleksandr Kozlovskii

Yarkoe astronomicheskoe sobytie v lyubitel'skoi astronomii Rossii!

Lyubitel' astronomii Artem Novichonok Severnoe siyanie. (Kareliya) i Vladimir Gerke (observatoriya Ka-Dar) otkryli novuyu kometu!

Kometa byla otkryta na Astronomicheskoi stancii TAU Nauchnogo Centra "Ka-Dar" (Nizhnii Arhyz, Karachaevo-Cherkesiya, RF)

V nastoyashee vremya ona imeet blesk okolo 19m i nahoditsya v sozvezdii Kita v neskol'kih gradusah yugo-zapadnee Yupitera....

Predvaritel'nye elementy orbity i efemeridy http://scully.cfa.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/returnprepeph.cgi?d=c&o=PK11R030

Soobshenie ob otkrytii opublikovannoe Stasom Korotkim (observatoriya Ka-Dar) na Astroforume

     Artyom Novichonok reports his discovery of a new comet (discovery      
observation tabulated below) on six images taken during Sept. 7.02-7.05 UT      
using a 0.4-m "Jigit" telescope at the TAU station of the Ka-Dar Observatory      
(located near Nizhniy Arkhyz, Russia), with the object showing a small,      
condensed coma of diameter 12" and an obvious tail 0'.6 long in p.a. 261 deg.      
After posting on the Minor Planet Center's NEOCP webpage, other CCD      
astrometrists have also noted cometary appearance in this object.  N. Howes,      
G. Sostero, and E. Guido stacked six 60-s R-band exposures taken on Sept. 8.4      
with the the 2.0-m f/10 "Faulkes Telescope North" at Haleakala, which show a      
sharp central condensation in a coma that is nearly 4" in diameter, elongated      
toward the southwest, with a broad tail at least 7" long toward p.a. 252 deg.      
G. Hug (Scranton, KS, U.S.A.; 0.56-m reflector) reports a well-defined narrow      
tail extending about 1' in p.a. 270 deg on his images from Sept. 8.4 and 9.3.      
T. H. Bressi used the Spacewatch 1.8-m f/2.7 reflector on Sept. 9.3 to find      
a tail 11" long in p.a. 5 deg.     
     2011 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.   Observer      
     Sept. 7.02309    2 11 27.59   + 8 17 00.2   18.9   Novichonok     
The available astrometry, the following preliminary elliptical orbital      
elements by the undersigned, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC 2011-R34.      
    P/2011 R3 (Novichonok-Gerke)      
T 2011 Aug. 23.35669 TT                                 MPC      
q   3.5852086            (2000.0)            P               Q      
n   0.09206921     Peri.  189.67625     +0.94520014     -0.32236318      
a   4.8572796      Node   189.62059     +0.31642393     +0.94353338      
e   0.2618896      Incl.   18.04041     +0.08045246     +0.07633302      
P  10.7      
From 44 observations 2011 Sept. 7-9.

Pozdravlyaem Artema i Vladimira s etim zamechatel'nym otkrytiem i zhelaem novyh otkrytii!

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