Credit & Copyright: Wally Pacholka
(, TWAN)
You don't have to be at Monument Valley to see the Milky Way arch across the sky
like this -- but it helps.
Only at Monument Valley
would you see a
picturesque foreground
that includes these iconic rock peaks called
Buttes are composed of hard rock left behind after
has eroded away the surrounding soft rock.
In the above image taken about two months ago, the closest butte on the left and
the butte to its right are known as
the Mittens, while
can be seen just further to the right.
High overhead stretches a band of diffuse light that
is the central disk of our
Milky Way Galaxy.
The band of the Milky Way can be
by almost anyone on
almost any clear night when
far enough from a city and
surrounding bright lights.
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