Credit & Copyright: Simon Wilkinson
has some of the darkest nights visible from any continent.
It is therefore home to some of the more
spectacular skyscapes,
a few of which have been captured in the
above time-lapse video.
Visible at the movie start are unusual
quiver trees perched before a
deep starfield highlighted by the
central band of our Milky Way Galaxy.
This bright band of stars and gas appears to
around the celestial south
pole as our
Earth rotates.
The remains of
camel thorn trees
are then seen against a sky that includes a fuzzy patch on the far right that is
Large Magellanic Cloud, a small
satellite galaxy to
the Milky Way.
A bright sunlight-reflecting
satellite passes quickly overhead.
Quiver trees appear
now showing their unusual trunks, while the
Small Magellanic Cloud
becomes clearly visible in the background.
Artificial lights illuminate a mist that surround
camel thorn trees in
In the final sequence, natural Namibian
stone arches
are captured against the advancing shadows of the setting moon.
This video incorporates over 16,000 images shot over two years, and won top honors
among the 2012
Travel Photographer of the Year awards.
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night sky - nochnoe nebo
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