Credit & Copyright: C. Hogan,
How different are space and time at very small scales?
To explore the unfamiliar domain of the miniscule
Planck scale -- where normally
unnoticeable quantum effects might become dominant -- a newly developed instrument
called the Fermilab
Holometer has begun operating at
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
near Chicago,
The instrument seeks to determine if slight but simultaneous jiggles of a mirror
in two directions expose a fundamental type of
holographic noise
that always exceeds a minimum amount.
Pictured above is one of the end mirrors of a
Holometer prototype.
Although the discovery of
holographic noise
would surely be groundbreaking, the dependence of such noise on a specific laboratory
length scale would
spacetime enthusiasts.
One reason for this is the
Lorentz Invariance
postulate of Einstein's
special relativity,
which states that all length scales should appear contracted to a relatively moving
observer -- even the diminutive Planck
experiment is unique and many are
curious what the results will show.
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teoriya otnositel'nosti - golografiya
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