Credit & Copyright: SebastiAn D' Alessandro
What are those streaks of light in the sky?
First and foremost, the arching structure is the central band of our
Milky Way galaxy.
Visible in
this galactic band
are millions of distant stars mixed with numerous lanes of dark dust.
Harder to discern is a nearly vertical beam of light rising from the horizon, just
to the right of the image center.
This beam is zodiacal light,
sunlight scattered by dust in our Solar System that may be
surprisingly prominent just after sunset or just before sunrise.
In the foreground are several telescopes of the
Bosque Alegre Astrophysical Station
of the National University of Cordoba in
The station schedules
weekend tours and conducts research into the nature of
many astronomical objects including
active galaxies, and
clusters of galaxies.
The featured image was taken early this month.
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Milky Way - zodiacal light - Mlechnyi Put' - zodiakal'nyi svet
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