Credit & Copyright: Stan Honda
Moonset on January 1 is captured in this sea and night sky snapshot
from the port city of New York.
Its warm moonlight shining through haze and thin clouds,
this New Year's Moon was about 3 days old, in a waxing
crescent phase.
The visible lunar disk is about 10 percent illuminated.
Also easy to spot in hazy urban skies,
Venus blazes forth over
the western horizon, begining the year as Earth's evening star.
Like the Moon, Venus goes
through a range of phases as seen from planet Earth.
As the year began, telescopic views of the brilliant inner planet's disk
would show it about 50 percent illuminated, growing into a larger but
thinner crescent by early March.
New York Harbor's
welcoming beacon, the Statue of Liberty, anchors a terrestrial
corner of the night's triangle at the far left.
APOD Lecture Tonight:
Amateur Astronomers Association of New York City
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Moon - Venus - Luna - Venera
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