Credit & Copyright: Jose J. Chambo
A conjunction
of comets
is captured in this pretty star field
from the morning of September 17.
Discovered in July by a robotic sky survey
for supernovae, comet
C/2017 O1 ASASSN
is at the lower left.
The visible greenish glow of its coma is produced by
the fluorescence of diatomic carbon molecules in sunlight.
Nearing its closest approach to the Sun, the binocular comet was
only about 7.2 light-minutes from Earth.
In the same telescopic field of view is the long-tailed, outbound comet
ER61 PanSTARRS at the upper right, almost 14 light-minutes away.
Many light-years distant, the starry background includes
faint, dusty nebulae of the Milky Way.
The well-known Pleiades star cluster lies just off the top right
of the frame.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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comet - conjunction - komety - Soedinenie planet
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