Credit & Copyright: Rolf
Adrift in a cosmic sea of
stars and glowing gas
the delicate, floating apparition left of center in this widefield view is
cataloged as NGC 7635, the Bubble Nebula.
A mere 10 light-years wide, the tiny Bubble Nebula was blown
by the winds of a massive star.
It lies within a larger complex of interstellar
gas and dust
clouds found about 11,000
distant, straddling the boundary between the parental constellations
Cepheus and
Included in the breathtaking vista is
open star
cluster M52 (lower left), some 5,000 light-years away.
Above and right of the Bubble Nebula is an emission region identified as
also known as the Claw Nebula.
Constructed from 47 hours of narrow-band and broad-band exposures,
this image spans about 3 degrees on the sky.
That corresponds to a width of 500 light-years at the
estimated distance of the Bubble Nebula.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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NGC 7635 - Bubble nebula - tumannost' Puzyr'
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