Credit & Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado
Earth & Stars),
Miquel Serra-Ricart & Daniel Padron,
The well-known Pleiades star cluster is slowly destroying part of a passing cloud
gas and dust.
The Pleiades
is the brightest
open cluster of stars
on Earth's sky and
can be seen from almost any northerly location with the
unaided eye.
The passing young dust cloud is thought to be part of
Gould's Belt, an
unusual ring of young star formation surrounding the Sun in the
local Milky Way Galaxy.
Over the past 100,000 years, part of
Gould's Belt
is by chance moving right through the older
Pleiades and is causing
a strong reaction between
stars and dust.
Pressure from the stars' light significantly repels
the dust in the surrounding blue
reflection nebula, with
smaller dust particles being repelled more strongly.
A short-term result is that parts of the dust cloud have become
filamentary and
The featured deep image also captured
Comet C/2015 ER61
(PanSTARRS) on the lower left.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
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pleiades - star cluster - dust - Pleyady - otrazhatel'nye tumannosti - pyl'
Publikacii so slovami: pleiades - star cluster - dust - Pleyady - otrazhatel'nye tumannosti - pyl' | |
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