Credit & Copyright: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/CNRS
What's the sound of
laser zapping?
There's no need to consult a Zen master to find out,
just listen to the first
recording of laser shots on Mars.
On Perseverance mission sol 12 (March 2) the SuperCam instrument atop
the rover's mast zapped a rock dubbed Ma'az 30 times from a range of
about 3.1 meters.
recorded the soft staccato popping sounds of the
rapid series of SuperCam laser zaps.
Shockwaves created in the thin martian atmosphere as bits
of rock are vaporized by the laser shots make the popping sounds,
sounds that offer clues to the physical structure of the target.
This SuperCam
close-up of the Ma'az target region is 6 centimeters
(2.3 inches) across.
Ma'az means Mars in
Navajo language.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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