Credit & Copyright: International Gemini Observatory /
Processing: T.A. Rector (Univ. Alaska Anchorage), J. Miller (Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab), M. Zamani & D. de Martin
spiral galaxy Arp 78 is found within the boundaries of the head strong
constellation Aries.
Some 100 million light-years
beyond the
stars and nebulae of our Milky Way galaxy,
the island universe is over 100,000 light-years across.
Also known as NGC 772, it sports a prominent, outer spiral arm in
this detailed cosmic portrait
from the large
Gemini North telescope near the
summit of Maunakea, Hawaii, planet Earth.
Tracking along sweeping dust lanes and
lined with young blue star
clusters, Arp 78's spiral arm is likely pumped-up by galactic-scale
gravitational tidal interactions
The close companion galaxy responsible is NGC 770, located off the
upper right of this frame.
But more distant background galaxies are clearly visible in the
field of view.
Processing: T.A. Rector (Univ. Alaska Anchorage), J. Miller (Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab), M. Zamani & D. de Martin
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interacting galaxies - vzaimodeistvuyushie galaktiki
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