Credit & Copyright: Carlos Taylor
This cosmic skyscape
features glowing gas and dark dust clouds
along side the young stars of
NGC 3572.
A beautiful emission nebula and star cluster it sails
far southern skies
within the nautical constellation Carina.
Stars from NGC 3572 are toward top center in the telescopic
frame that would measure about 100 light-years across at the cluster's
estimated distance of 9,000 light-years.
The visible interstellar gas and dust is part of the star cluster's
natal molecular cloud.
Dense streamers of material
within the nebula, eroded by stellar winds and radiation,
clearly trail away from the energetic young stars.
They are likely sites of ongoing star formation with shapes
reminiscent of the
Tadpoles of IC 410
better known to northern skygazers.
In the coming tens to hundreds of millions of years, gas and stars in
the cluster will be dispersed though, by gravitational tides and by
supernova explosions
that end the short lives of the massive cluster stars.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
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open cluster - star formation - Rasseyannoe skoplenie - zvezdoobrazovanie
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