Credit & Copyright: Eduardo
Schaberger Poupeau
South is up
in this dramatic telescopic view of the
and the Moon's rugged southern highlands.
The lunar landscape was captured on July 7
with the moon at its
first quarter phase.
The Sun shines at a low angle from the right
as dawn comes to the region's young and old craters
Tycho and Clavius.
About 100 million years young,
Tycho is
the sharp-walled 85 kilometer diameter crater below and left of center.
Its 2 kilometer tall central peak and far crater wall reflect
bright sunlight,
Its smooth floor lies in dark shadow.
Debris ejected during the impact that created Tycho make it the
out lunar crater when the
Moon is near full though.
They produce a highly visible radiating system of light streaks or
rays that extend across much of the lunar near side.
In fact, some of the material collected at the Apollo 17 landing site,
about 2,000 kilometers away, likely originated
the Tycho impact.
One of the oldest and largest craters on the Moon's near side,
225 kilometer diameter
Clavius is due
(above) of Tycho.
own ray system resulting from its original impact event
would have faded long ago.
The old crater's worn walls and smooth floor are now overlayed by
newer smaller craters from impacts that occurred after Clavius was
Reaching above the older crater, tops of the newer crater walls
reflect this dawn's early light to
create narrow shining arcs within a shadowed Clavius.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
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Moon - crater - Luna - krater
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