Credit & Copyright: Ruslan Merzlyakov
What's causing that unusual ray of light extending from the horizon?
Dust orbiting the Sun.
At certain times of the year, a band of
dust from the inner
Solar System appears prominently after sunset or before sunrise and is called
zodiacal light.
The dust was emitted mostly from faint
comets and slowly spirals into the
The featured HDR image, acquired in mid-February
from the
Sierra Nevada National Park in
captures the glowing band of
zodiacal light going right in front of
the bright evening planets
Jupiter (upper) and
Venus (lower).
Emitted from well behind the
zodiacal light is a dark night sky that prominently
includes the
Pleiades star cluster.
Jupiter and Venus are
slowly switching places
in the
evening sky,
and just in the next few days nearing their
angular approach.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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zodiacal light - zodiakal'nyi svet
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