Seminary na 2002 god
Seminar laboratorii informacionnyh tehnologii OIYaI 1. V.M.Sever'yanov. Kratkoe vvedenie v kvantovye algoritmy.2. V.M.Sever'yanov. Podhod k opisaniyu odnogo klassa avtomatnyh setei pri pomoshi formalizma evolyucioniruyushih algebr.
Seminar laboratorii informacionnyh tehnologii OIYaI 1. O.M.Hudaverdyan.Laplasiany na poluplotnostyah v matematicheskoi fizike.2. Kholmirzo Kholmurodov, Noriaki Okimoto, Yoshinori Hirano, and Toshikazu Ebisuzaki. Computational Study on the Dynamics and Conformational Changes of Prion Proteins:the Effect of Glu200 -> Asp and Glu200 -> Lys Mutations in the HuPrP.3. Kholmirzo Kholmurodov, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Kenji Yasuoka, Igor Pusynin, and William Smith.
Seminar laboratorii teoreticheskoi fiziki OIYaI "Polya i chasticy" G.S.Pogosyan. Superintegrable Systems on Spaces of a Constant Curvature.
Mezhdisciplinarnyi seminar po matematike i matematicheskoi fizike (ITEF) Fedor Bogomolov. Restrictions of Vector Bundles on Curves.
Mezhdisciplinarnyi seminar po matematike i matematicheskoi fizike (ITEF) Vadim Vologodsky.Non-commutative compactifications and elliptic curves.
Mezhdisciplinarnyi seminar po matematike i matematicheskoi fizike (ITEF) Leonid Positselski.Semi-infinite Cohomology.
Moskovsko-peterburgskii seminar po malomernoi matematike J.-P. Brasselet.Toric varieties and singularities.
Seminar laboratorii teoreticheskoi fiziki OIYaI po teorii yadra V.V.Voronov, V.Yu.Ponomarev. Microscopic studies of double giant resonances.
Mezhdisciplinarnyi seminar po matematike i matematicheskoi fizike (ITEF) Alexander Braverman.Uhlenbeck Spaces and their Cohomology.
Obshii seminar Nezavisimogo moskovskogo universiteta "Globus" S.G.Vleduc (Marsel'). Ot osnovnoi teoremy arifmetiki do teorii beskonechnyh global'nyh polei. |