Seminary na iyul' 2001 goda
Astrofizicheskii seminar AKC FIAN 1. Novosti.
2. Yu.Yu. Kovalev. Novosti s avstraliiskoi konferencii: Elizabeth and Frederick White Workshop "AGN Variability Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum", Sidnei.
3. M.G. Larionov. Diskretnye istochniki - fonovoe izluchenie - sreda fizicheskogo vakuuma.
Seminar laboratorii teoreticheskoi fiziki OIYaI "Statisticheskaya mehanika" V.Lisy. On interpretation of some experiments on droplet microemulsions: scattering of neutrons and light, Kerr effect.
Seminar instituta teoreticheskoi i eksperimental'noi fiziki V.A.Gordeev. Poiski bezneitrinnogo raspada myuona na elektron i bezmassovyi goldstounovskii bozon (Eksperiment FAMILON). Reimar Spohr.Restricted geometries based on ion tracks.
Astrofizicheskii seminar AKC FIAN 1. Novosti.
2. Norbert Bartel. VLBI of a Supernova.
Seminary laboratorii yadernyh reakcii OIYaI G.Shirkov. Different modes of laser ion loading into ECR ion sources.
Seminary laboratorii yadernyh reakcii OIYaI 1. Discussion of V.S.Salamatin's Dissertation: "Study of singularities of mass-energy distributions of fission fragments near the Businaro-Gallone Point and in the transition area Ac-Th" for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (Phys. and Math.). 2. Miscellaneous.
Seminar otdela teoreticheskoi fiziki AKC FIAN V.I.Dokuchaev, Yu.N.Eroshenko. On a joint origin of neutralino stars and black holes.
Seminary laboratorii yadernyh reakcii OIYaI A.B.Yakushev, S.N.Timokhin. The Report on experiments in chemistry of 108 element in GSI(Germany) and PSI(Switzerland).
Seminary laboratorii yadernyh reakcii OIYaI Hermann Wollnik. Principles and usage of time-of-flight mass analyzers. |