Seminary na 2002 god
Seminar instituta astronomii Yu.V.Pahomov (INASAN). Analiz soderzhaniya himicheskih elementov v atmosferah umerennyh barievyh zvezd.
Seminar otdeleniya teoreticheskoi fiziki FIAN po kvantovoi teorii polya A.Mihailov (KITP, Santa Barbara). Operatory s bol'shim R-zaryadom v teorii Yanga-Millsa. Chast' 2.
Seminar otdela spektroskopii tverdogo tela Instituta spektroskopii RAN Sostoitsya v 11:00 v konferenc-zale instituta spektroskopii.Ph.Goldner (Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquee de l'Etat SolideCNRS-UMR
Seminar otdela teoreticheskoi astrofiziki AKC FIAN 1. Novosti: V.N.Lukash. Otkrytie polyarizacii reliktovogo izlucheniya v eksperimente DASI.2. I.Dymnikova. Kosmologicheskaya postoyannaya kak istochnik massy.
Astrofizicheskii seminar otdeleniya teoreticheskoi fiziki FIAN 1. Literatura.2. K.A.Postnov.Chernye dyry promezhutochnyh mass i drugie astrofizicheskie novosti.
Rossiiskii mezhdisciplinarnyi seminar po temporologii V.P.Kazaryan. Vremya kak yavlenie kul'tury.
Obshemoskovskii seminar po istorii fiziki i mehaniki (IIET RAN) Aleksandr Adol'fovich Vitt (1902 - 1937?). Zhizn' i tvorchestvo.
Matematicheskii seminar V.I.Arnol'da (MGU) V.I.Arnold. On permutations in the groups of residues. Part 2.
Seminar instituta kosmicheskih issledovanii 1. Kristof Uinkler (ESA, Niderlandy). Programma INTEGRAL.2. Arvind Parmar (ESA, Niderlandy). Budushie programmy ESA v oblasti astrofiziki vysokih energii.
Seminar instituta kosmicheskih issledovanii 1. Kristof Uinkler (ESA, Niderlandy). Programma INTEGRAL.
2. Arvind Parmar (ESA, Niderlandy). Budushie programmy ESA v oblasti astrofiziki vysokih energii. |