Seminary na 05 aprelya 2006
Seminar GAISh MGU po gravitacii i kosmologii A.N.Petrov. The theory of nonlinear perturbations in metric models of gravity and its
applications in cosmology and astrophysics (The talk related to the doctoral thesis).
Seminar NIIYaF MGU "Astrofizika kosmicheskih luchei i fizika kosmosa" M.B.Krainev (FIAN). K probleme istochnika anomal'noi komponenty kosmicheskih luchei (ob odnoi starinnoi gipoteze, al'ternativnoi gospodstvuyushei).
Seminar GAISh MGU "Sovremennye problemy solnechnoi peremennosti" A.B.Gorshkov. Nablyudenie solnechnogo zatmeniya v Baksanskom ushel'e. |