Peremennye Zvezdy

Article in PDF
"Peremennye Zvezdy",
vol. 8, N 52 (2008)

New Short Periodic Eclipsing Binaries IV

A. V. Khruslov
Russia, Tula

ISSN 2221–0474

Received:   5.12.2008;   accepted:   17.12.2008
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#NameOtherCoord (J2000)TypeMaxMinSystemPeriodEpoch (JD)typeSpCommentL.CurveFind.ChartData
1 GSC 1755-0116601 31 41.31, +29 41 52.5EW13.413.7R0.38822451469.957min Comm. 11.PNGchart1.PNGNSVS 6421627 NSVS 6451911 NSVS 6461318
2 GSC 2818-0024501 34 28.59, +39 50 25.7EW:14.214.6R0.64152451467.724min Comm. 22.PNGchart2.PNGNSVS 3833756
3 TYC 2293 01529 101 35 51.18, +30 19 28.8EW11.912.1R0.70782451480.747min Comm. 33.PNGchart3.PNGNSVS 6424068 NSVS 6455099 NSVS 6464237
4 GSC 4520-0096702 56 18.19, +82 18 23.5EW13.814.2R0.419472451501.722min Comm. 44.PNGchart4.PNGNSVS 75540 NSVS 421874 NSVS 477391
5 TYC 4351 00048 105 21 33.91, +71 45 45.7EW12.312.75R0.508082451456.594min Comm. 55.PNGchart5.PNGNSVS 547957 NSVS 641308
6 USNO-A2.0 1725-0030534307 32 10.38, +84 33 52.3EW14.515.5R0.3198552451438.788min Comm. 66.PNGchart6.PNGNSVS 101586
7 GSC 4618-0139807 35 40.24, +83 42 36.3EW12.9513.35R0.382252451461.888min Comm. 77.PNGchart7.PNGNSVS 104015
8 GSC 4544-0137808 57 10.72, +79 12 21.3EW13.814.1R0.454382451490.934min Comm. 88.PNGchart8.PNGNSVS 722330 NSVS 756185 NSVS 837592
9 GSC 4548-0179710 05 54.58, +81 59 00.0EW12.612.85R0.4046152451470.670min Comm. 99.PNGchart9.PNGNSVS 97713 NSVS 814501 NSVS 850217
10 TYC 3463 01008 113 36 09.27, +45 59 40.7EW12.1512.45R0.610712451479.871min Comm. 1010.PNGchart10.PNGNSVS 5071532 NSVS 5086346
11 GSC 4408-0148013 51 16.88, +74 42 43.4EW12.8513.15R0.641372451429.526min Comm. 1111.PNGchart11.PNGNSVS 901325 NSVS 927499 NSVS 971384
12 GSC 3855-0143214 09 14.61, +55 39 23.8EW13.7514.05R0.379092451420.741min Comm. 1212.PNGchart12.PNGNSVS 2734330
13 GSC 4172-0071914 09 54.22, +61 36 31.0EW13.413.95R0.366982451419.867min Comm. 1313.PNGchart13.PNGNSVS 2718607
14 TYC 3855 01112 114 11 27.41, +55 10 05.1EW12.8513.15R0.381192451413.875min Comm. 1414.PNGchart14.PNGNSVS 2734899
15 GSC 4172-0121314 13 44.45, +60 18 45.5EW13.614.2R0.457312451403.675min Comm. 1515.PNGchart15.PNGNSVS 2719455 NSVS 2735897
16 GSC 3859-0035314 20 53.80, +54 28 53.4EW14.0514.7R0.358662451425.818min Comm. 1616.PNGchart16.PNGNSVS 2737463
17 GSC 3862-0100714 30 33.86, +55 33 13.5EB13.914.5R0.3209472451393.779min Comm. 1717.PNGchart17.PNGNSVS 2740311
18 GSC 3860-0015914 32 34.39, +54 27 38.6EW12.6513.1R0.3535152451397.801min Comm. 1818.PNGchart18.PNGNSVS 2740959
19 GSC 3866-0009914 35 10.62, +59 30 34.6EW13.313.6R0.374762451341.649min Comm. 1919.PNGchart19.PNGNSVS 2741315
20 GSC 4176-0093814 48 03.43, +62 44 41.7EW13.0513.35R0.437472451414.584min Comm. 2020.PNGchart20.PNGNSVS 2764186
21 GSC 3861-0073814 52 17.89, +54 15 50.9EW13.714.4R0.473372451387.900min Comm. 2121.PNGchart21.PNGNSVS 2747146 NSVS 5136832
22 TYC 3486 01026 115 35 10.99, +49 47 44.0EW11.6511.8R0.3190652451402.537min Comm. 2222.PNGchart22.PNGNSVS 5187837 NSVS 5198622
23 GSC 3077-0124717 17 52.10, +40 53 09.9EW14.515.0R0.391482451380.712min Comm. 2323.PNGchart23.PNGNSVS 5334357
24 TYC 2609 01606 117 27 15.60, +33 30 06.1EB12.3512.7R0.814742451400.797min Comm. 2424.PNGchart24.PNGNSVS 7964645 NSVS 8037968
25 GSC 3091-0131217 31 09.42, +40 41 18.4EW14.214.7R0.319622451382.750min Comm. 2525.PNGchart25.PNGNSVS 5343657
26 GSC 2622-0074218 14 43.08, +30 09 42.0EW14.114.6R0.594282451380.557min Comm. 2626.PNGchart26.PNGNSVS 8098724 NSVS 8143697
27 USNO-A2.0 1200-0910987718 17 34.95, +33 45 19.5EW13.814.2R0.37392451390.801min Comm. 2727.PNGchart27.PNGNSVS 8102794
28 TYC 2637 00433 118 39 23.88, +31 00 02.4EW12.2512.7R0.50352451393.764min Comm. 2828.PNGchart28.PNGNSVS 8175726 NSVS 8229223
29 GSC 4465-0108521 35 01.03, +70 31 04.4EW13.6514.05R0.369862451461.856min Comm. 2929.PNGchart29.PNGNSVS 1357489
30 GSC 2749-0250422 49 27.54, +30 54 42.6EB12.913.7R0.678152451444.668min Comm. 3030.PNGchart30.PNGNSVS 8922301 NSVS 8959813
31 GSC 2761-0112022 50 47.75, +35 40 56.3EW13.5514.0R0.445632451434.793min Comm. 3131.PNGchart31.PNGNSVS 8924023
32 GSC 2757-0166022 51 34.20, +34 57 53.0EW12.112.35R0.381622451433.548min Comm. 3232.PNGchart32.PNGNSVS 8924736
33 TYC 2761 01486 122 52 50.69, +35 58 56.5EW12.212.9R0.345752451433.941min Comm. 3333.PNGchart33.PNGNSVS 8926059 NSVS 8996441
34 GSC 3219-0256322 55 51.40, +39 45 46.0EW13.1513.75R0.398282451431.599min Comm. 3434.PNGchart34.PNGNSVS 6134694
35 GSC 2762-0102422 59 11.09, +36 21 17.8EW12.512.8R0.3381342451448.643min Comm. 3535.PNGchart35.PNGNSVS 9002440
36 GSC 2246-0077322 59 57.05, +29 15 28.9EW13.814.6R0.411172451423.897min Comm. 3636.PNGchart36.PNGNSVS 8969511
37 GSC 2758-0066923 01 58.45, +35 04 19.4EW13.1513.4R0.76232451450.725min Comm. 3737.PNGchart37.PNGNSVS 9005334
38 GSC 2750-0020823 02 00.22, +31 02 17.7EW13.613.9R0.401132451485.904min Comm. 3838.PNGchart38.PNGNSVS 9005632
39 GSC 2762-0112423 03 44.07, +36 15 22.9EW12.813.1R0.372162451450.750min Comm. 3939.PNGchart39.PNGNSVS 9007026
40 GSC 2755-0050423 08 13.01, +33 03 03.8EW12.913.35R0.2470742451455.514min Comm. 4040.PNGchart40.PNGNSVS 9011981
41 GSC 2755-0010123 09 04.16, +31 53 20.2EW13.914.5R0.358132451455.679min Comm. 4141.PNGchart41.PNGNSVS 9013029
42 GSC 2759-0053423 13 21.72, +34 20 25.4EB13.8514.4R0.454602451451.695min Comm. 4242.PNGchart42.PNGNSVS 9017099
43 TYC 2755 00998 123 13 59.31, +32 17 07.1EW13.013.65R0.386902451455.728min Comm. 4343.PNGchart43.PNGNSVS 9018121
44 GSC 2756-0062223 15 06.77, +32 14 23.8EW13.914.4R0.36302451456.520min Comm. 4444.PNGchart44.PNGNSVS 9019292
45 GSC 2764-0126023 15 40.32, +36 08 52.9EW14.214.8R0.249582451447.900min Comm. 4545.PNGchart45.PNGNSVS 9019061
46 GSC 2756-0039923 17 13.22, +32 29 17.1EW14.2514.7R0.392352451456.637min Comm. 4646.PNGchart46.PNGNSVS 9021376
47 GSC 3221-0250623 19 18.70, +39 47 34.9EW14.214.8R0.296892451447.738min Comm. 4747.PNGchart47.PNGNSVS 3596207 NSVS 6160385
48 GSC 2764-0163923 19 22.34, +36 49 09.3EB14.415.4R0.57742451453.946min Comm. 4848.PNGchart48.PNGNSVS 6162215 NSVS 9022452 NSVS 6221314
49 GSC 3234-0050823 21 23.99, +40 21 58.9EB13.413.85R0.694912451449.741min Comm. 4949.PNGchart49.PNGNSVS 3598524 NSVS 6162203
50 GSC 2756-0158223 22 58.46, +32 43 48.6EW13.814.35R0.37712451508.881min Comm. 5050.PNGchart50.PNGNSVS 6222763 NSVS 9026889
51 GSC 3234-0103823 23 51.91, +39 32 33.7EB13.4514.1R0.532102451455.876min Comm. 5151.PNGchart51.PNGNSVS 3600362 NSVS 6165180


1. MinII = 13.7. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

2. MinII = 14.6. Type RRC (with twice shorter period) is possible. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

3. MinII = 12.08. A twice shorter period and type RRC are not excluded.

4. MinII = 14.2. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

5. MinII = 12.7. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

6. MinII = 15.3:. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

7. MinII = 13.25. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

8. MinII = 14.05.

9. MinII = 12.85.

10. MinII = 12.4. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

11. MinII = 13.1.

12. MinII = 14.0.

13. MinII = 13.95.

14. MinII = 13.10. Total eclipses are probable. There is a faint close companion.

15. MinII = 14.2:.

16. MinII = 14.6. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

17. MinII = 14.05.

18. MinII = 13.1.

19. MinII = 13.55.

20. MinII = 13.3.

21. MinII = 14.2. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

22. MinII = 11.75. 1RXS J153511.8+494750.

23. MinII = 15.0.

24. MinII = 12.45. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

25. MinII = 14.55.

26. MinII = 14.5.

27. MinII = 14.15. Period P = 0.4599 days (type EW) is possible.

28. MinII = 12.7. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

29. MinII = 14.0. There is a faint close companion. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

30. MinII = 13.2. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

31. MinII = 13.85.

32. MinII = 12.35. There is a faint close companion.

33. MinII = 12.85. There is a faint close companion. The ROTSE data with photometric correction flags (usually rejected) were kept for the analysis.

34. MinII = 13.67.

35. MinII = 12.8.

36. MinII = 14.5.

37. MinII = 13.4. A twice shorter period and type RRC are possible. P = 0.5518 days (type EW) is not excluded.

38. MinII = 13.85.

39. MinII = 13.05. Perhaps a blend of two stars, GSC 2762-01124 and GSC 2762-000522, in the NSVS. The variability amplitude can be underestimated.

40. MinII = 13.3.

41. MinII = 14.5:.

42. MinII = 14.1.

43. MinII = 13.6.

44. MinII = 14.3. P = 0.3072 days (type EW) is not excluded.

45. MinII = 14.7.

46. MinII = 14.5.

47. MinII = 14.7.

48. MinII = 14.9.

49. MinII = 13.55.

50. MinII = 14.35.

51. MinII = 13.7.

I present the discovery of 51 new short-period eclipsing binaries (mostly EW). A search for variables was carried out in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS, Wozniak et al., 2004, also see These observations were analyzed using the period-search software developed by Dr. V.P. Goranskij for Windows environment. The coordinates were drawn either from the Tycho-2 or 2MASS catalogs.

Wozniak, P.R., Vestrand, W.T., Akerlof, C.W. et al., 2004, Astron. J., 127, 2436

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